"Autumn Forest"
"Autumn Forest"
I am not a great fan of the fall, it always makes me a bit sad that summer is actually over and winter is soon to be upon us, so my attraction to the “fall colours” of this work still surprises me. This is the first large piece that I had ever done. It was almost two years ago and was inspired by a visit to a friend’s home in Vancouver. I admired a painting hanging there and for some reason, still unbeknownst to me, I decided that I could paint something like that! I went to the art store on Granville Island the next day and bought a 36”x 36” canvas and a selection of acrylic paints and brushes. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but three days later I had created my first real painting! I was encouraged and energized by the flattering comments I received from friends who had seen it hanging in our kitchen, and then (thanks to my wife, and greatest fan) on social media. I was inspired to learn more!
Acrylic 36” x 36”